
Internal method which dispatches mouse wheel events received by Crafty.


MouseWheelScroll [Scroll direction (up | down) = { direction: +1 | -1}]
is triggered when mouse is scrolled on stage

This method processes a native mousewheel event (all browsers except Firefox) or a native DOMMouseScroll event (Firefox only) received by Crafty.stage.elem, augments it with the additional .direction property (see below) and dispatches it to the global Crafty object and thus to every entity.

Note that the wheel delta properties of the event vary in magnitude across browsers, thus it is recommended to check for .direction instead. The .direction equals +1 if wheel was scrolled up, -1 if wheel was scrolled down (see details).


Zoom the viewport (camera) in response to mouse scroll events.

Crafty.bind("MouseWheelScroll", function(evt) {
    Crafty.viewport.scale(Crafty.viewport._scale * (1 + evt.direction * 0.1));


Interactive, map-like zooming of the viewport (camera) in response to mouse scroll events.

// sign public void zoomTowards(Number amt, Number posX, Number posY, Number time[, String|function easingFn])
// param Number amt - amount to zoom in on the target by (eg. `2`, `4`, `0.5`)
// param Number posX - the x coordinate to zoom towards
// param Number posY - the y coordinate to zoom towards
// param Number time - the duration in ms of the entire zoom operation
// param easingFn - A string or custom function specifying an easing.
//                   (Defaults to linear behavior.)
//                   See `Crafty.easing` for more information.
// Zooms the camera towards a given point, preserving the current center.
// `amt > 1` will bring the camera closer to the subject,
// `amt < 1` will bring it farther away,
// `amt = 0` will reset to the default zoom level.
// Zooming is multiplicative. To reset the zoom amount, pass `0`.
// <example>
// // Make the entities appear twice as large by zooming in towards (100,100) over the duration of 3 seconds using linear easing behavior
// zoomTowards(2, 100, 100, 3000);
// </example>
function zoomTowards (amt, posX, posY, time, easingFn) {
    var scale = Crafty.viewport._scale,
        // current viewport center
        centX = -Crafty.viewport._x + Crafty.viewport._width / 2 / scale,
        centY = -Crafty.viewport._y + Crafty.viewport._height / 2 / scale,
        // direction vector from viewport center to position
        deltaX = posX - centX,
        deltaY = posY - centY;
    var f = amt - 1;

    Crafty.viewport.zoom(amt, centX + deltaX * f, centY + deltaY * f, time, easingFn);

// don't restrict panning of viewport in any way
Crafty.viewport.clampToEntities = false;

// enable panning of viewport by dragging the mouse

// enable interactive map-like zooming by scrolling the mouse
Crafty.bind("MouseWheelScroll", function (evt) {
    var pos = Crafty.domHelper.translate(evt.clientX, evt.clientY);
    zoomTowards(1 + evt.direction/10, pos.x, pos.y, 5);