
public Crafty.WebGLShader Crafty.WebGLShader(String vertexShaderCode, String fragmentShaderCode, Array attributeList, Function drawCallback(e, entity))

GLSL code for the vertex shader


GLSL code for the fragment shader


List of variable names with their vertex length


Function that pushes all attribute values to WebGL.

Assigns or fetches a default shader for a component.

This allows the default shader for a component to be overridden, and therefor allows developers to override the default shader behaviour with more complex shaders.


Let's say we want to extend sprite to draw the images in grayscale when we set a grayscale: true attribute.

var recoloredSprite = new Crafty.WebGLShader(
  // The vertex shader
  "attribute vec2 aPosition;\n" +
  "attribute vec3 aOrientation;\n" +
  "attribute vec2 aLayer;\n" +
  "attribute vec2 aTextureCoord;\n" +
  "attribute vec2 aGrayscale;\n" + // Addition of our grayscale
  "varying mediump vec3 vTextureCoord;\n" +
  "varying mediump vec2 vGrayscale;\n" + // passing attribute to fragment shader
  "uniform vec4 uViewport;\n" +
  "uniform mediump vec2 uTextureDimensions;\n" +
  "mat4 viewportScale = mat4(2.0 / uViewport.z, 0, 0, 0,    0, -2.0 / uViewport.w, 0,0,    0, 0,1,0,    -1,+1,0,1);\n" +
  "vec4 viewportTranslation = vec4(uViewport.xy, 0, 0);\n" +
  "void main() {\n" +
  "  vec2 pos = aPosition;\n" +
  "  vec2 entityOrigin = aOrientation.xy;\n" +
  "  mat2 entityRotationMatrix = mat2(cos(aOrientation.z), sin(aOrientation.z), -sin(aOrientation.z), cos(aOrientation.z));\n" +
  "  pos = entityRotationMatrix * (pos - entityOrigin) + entityOrigin ;\n" +
  "  gl_Position = viewportScale * (viewportTranslation + vec4(pos, 1.0/(1.0+exp(aLayer.x) ), 1) );\n" +
  "  vTextureCoord = vec3(aTextureCoord, aLayer.y);\n" +
  "  vGrayscale = aGrayscale;\n" + // Assigning the grayscale for fragment shader
  // The fragment shader
  "precision mediump float;\n" +
  "varying mediump vec3 vTextureCoord;\n" +
  "varying mediump vec2 vGrayscale;\n" +
  "uniform sampler2D uSampler;\n " +
  "uniform mediump vec2 uTextureDimensions;\n" +
  "void main() {\n" +
  "  highp vec2 coord =   vTextureCoord.xy / uTextureDimensions;\n" +
  "  mediump vec4 base_color = texture2D(uSampler, coord);\n" +
  "  if (vGrayscale.x == 1.0) {\n" +
  "    mediump float lightness = (0.2126*base_color.r + 0.7152*base_color.g + 0.0722*base_color.b);\n" +
  "    lightness *= base_color.a * vTextureCoord.z; // Premultiply alpha\n" +
  "    gl_FragColor = vec4(lightness, lightness, lightness, base_color.a*vTextureCoord.z);\n" +
  "  } else {\n" +
  "    gl_FragColor = vec4(base_color.rgb*base_color.a*vTextureCoord.z, base_color.a*vTextureCoord.z);\n" +
  "  }\n" +
    { name: "aPosition",     width: 2 },
    { name: "aOrientation",  width: 3 },
    { name: "aLayer",        width: 2 },
    { name: "aTextureCoord", width: 2 },
    { name: "aGrayscale",    width: 2 }
  function(e, entity) {
    var co =;
    // Write texture coordinates
      co.x, co.y,
      co.x, co.y + co.h,
      co.x + co.w, co.y,
      co.x + co.w, co.y + co.h
    // Write our grayscale attribute
      entity.grayscale ? 1.0 : 0.0,

It seems like a lot of work, but most of the above code is the default Crafty shader code. When you get the hang of it, it is really easy to extend for your own effects. And remember you only need to write it once, and suddenly all sprite entities have extra effects available.